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Book News & Reviews, Page 2 offers important book news and book reviews relating to Southeast Asian and South Asian culture, Our focus topics include the Khmer Empire and culture, Thai culture, Cambodian dance, French colonial literature, Cambodian and Thai folktales, the role of women in ancient and modern societies, Khmer and Indian temples featuring goddesses, apsaras and devata, heritage preservation.

Women's Wile's - Cambodian Legends Collected by G. H. Monod. Translated to English by Solang Uk.

Translators Wanted for French-English Indochina Literature

French colonial period scholars and adventurers created hundreds of profound studies of the Khmer Empire and their rich cultural legacy that still resonates throughout Southeast Asia. They also passionately wrote about sublime and painful relationships and romances that blossomed between Easterners and Westerners.

Most of these French books, novels and articles are long out-of-print and forgotten. But almost none have ever been translated into the English language. This is why we are seeking interested translators to bring select French works of Indochina literature into English.

Titanic Book Unveiling on Top of Angkor Wat

Titanic Book Unveiling on Top of Angkor Wat

What links the RMS Titanic and the Cambodian jungle temple of Angkor Wat? Author Helen Churchill Candee survived the infamous maritime disaster to write Angkor the Magnificent. Titanic Book Unveiling on Top of Angkor Wat

To Cambodia With Love - Cambodian dancers by Tewfic EI-Sawy.

To Cambodia With Love-Book Review

To Cambodia With Love is a great guidebook with expert authors sharing travel tips and ideas for travelers to Angkor, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and beyond.