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Book News & Reviews, Page 4 offers important book news and book reviews relating to Southeast Asian and South Asian culture, Our focus topics include the Khmer Empire and culture, Thai culture, Cambodian dance, French colonial literature, Cambodian and Thai folktales, the role of women in ancient and modern societies, Khmer and Indian temples featuring goddesses, apsaras and devata, heritage preservation.

Book Review of A Record of Cambodia by Zhou Daguan

A Record of Cambodia-Cambodia Daily Book Review

“A Record of Cambodia-Its Land and Its People” by Peter Harris offers a new translation of the 1295 AD Angkor visit of Zhou Daguan, This detailed Cambodia Daily book review examines the new edition.

Book Review of Kbach-A Study of Khmer Art and Design

Book Review of Kbach-A Study of Khmer Art and Design

Kbach’ is the general term, used in the Khmer language, to name the variety of ornaments which decorate objects and architectural surfaces throughout Cambodia. Book Review of Kbach-A Study of Khmer Art and Design

3 Things You Can Do to Empower Women

3 Things You Can Do to Empower Women

As early as the 9th century, Khmer people respected women, giving them the right to own property, the right to conduct business, and honoring female images in their temples.

Images of the Gods by Vittorio Roveda Book Review

Images of the Gods by Vittorio Roveda Book Review

Southeast Asia is a complex intersection of South Asian and East Asian cultures; from the 9th to the 14th centuries the Khmer Empire ruled the peninsula, linking this diverse cultural network. In his book, Vittorio Roveda has succeeded in creating the ultimate visual reference of Khmer art.