Artistic Impressions of French Indochina – La Terre de Bouddha
This rare 1923 publication of French artist André Joyeux’s colorful paintings of Indochina is now available as a modern, full-color hardcover edition.
This rare 1923 publication of French artist André Joyeux’s colorful paintings of Indochina is now available as a modern, full-color hardcover edition.
Digital Kindle Cambodia books 2013 offer Angkor history and even folktales instantly at your fingertips with Amazon’s Kindle Reader.
For exploring the temples of Cambodia the best Angkor guidebook is Michel Petrotchenko’s “Focusing on the Angkor Temples – The Guidebook.” In addition to detailed descriptions and historical information, it’s packed with full color images, maps, diagrams and temple site plans that puts a tremendous amount of information at your fingertips, whether you’re an expert or a first time visitor.
To Cambodia With Love is a great guidebook with expert authors sharing travel tips and ideas for travelers to Angkor, Siem Reap, Phnom Penh and beyond.
Picture Postcards of Cambodia – A masterpiece, conveying the adventure, diversity, exoticism and excitement of early 20th century SE Asia.
Miranda Shaw devoted more than a decade of research to creating this epic work, greatly expanding on concepts she introduced in Passionate Enlightenment. Buddhist Goddesses of India by Miranda Shaw book review
Book review of Chinese traveler Zhou Daguan’s critical 13th century account of the ancient Khmer capital of Angkor: “A Record of Cambodia.”
Submissive? Beautiful? Cunning? Strong? Shy? Bold? Yes, and more! Author Sara Veal reveals the mystique of Asian women.In literary fiction.
Daughters of Angkor Wat examines the mystery of why 1800 detailed portraits of ancient Khmer women appear in the Hindu temple Angkor Wat.
“To Cambodia With Love-A Travel Guide for the Connoisseur” features Cambodia tips and insights from savvy expatriates, seasoned travelers and inspired locals.