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March 2010

Daughters of Angkor Wat

Daughters of Angkor Wat examines the mystery of why 1800 detailed portraits of ancient Khmer women appear in the Hindu temple Angkor Wat.

Web hosting Hostgator review: Hostgator gives us an easy, efficient, powerful and affordable way to get our information out to the world.

Web Host Hostgator Review

Web host Hostgator review: Hostgator gives us an easy, efficient, powerful and affordable way to get our information out to the world.

Dancers of Banteay Srey performing a ritual blessing at a shrine in Siem Reap.

Tiny Dancers of Banteay Srey

Graceful sacred dancers of Banteay Srey train at the NKFC school to perform purifying ritual dances to honor Khmer ancestors and traditions.